Fox-Trot Sparkle (AA)

DOB: 3/6/98

Sire: Roc-E-Way PB Good-As-Gold*B

Dam: M-M-Dairy YP Sega

Sparkle was a solid brood doe and was with us until the age of 13. While she herself was not really in show quality anymore, she had beautiful kids, and still milked very heavy. Sparkle has many descendants at our farm: Meg, Trinity, Laurell, Liza, and many more. She was an excellent foundation animal and we were very lucky to have had her.


Q-T Nuff LS Trinity (AA)

DOB: 4/7/04

Sire: Fox-Trot FTC Cool Hand Luke

Dam: Q-T Nuff LKR Sassy Sheena

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